Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Isla Iscarra is an 18+ fantasy horse RPG in a well-established original setting. Hosted on JCINK with a 3/2/3 rating.
Our current adoptables are:
Raevyn's bio family: an overly-ambitious father who uses his family to further his political power. (Names are suggestions!)
Nekht: schemeful father who seeks political power, a skilled fighter & fire mage
Kawya: Disillusioned mother who seeks to protect her young children
Kasmut: Second eldest brother, 4 years old. Personality up to adopter!
Salatis: Third eldest brother, 3 years old. the "trouble maker" + personality up to adopter!
Asim: Fourth oldest brother, 2 years old. the "brainiac/schemer" + personality up to adopter!
Sasur-amen & Nes-maut: twins & youngest siblings of the bunch. One sickly & the other an adventurous child. Personalities up to adopters!
We're still looking for members of our factions:
-Herd Leaders 7 herdlands are looking for leaders!
-Order of the Elements: an apolitical group of scholars, scribes, and teachers
-Circle of Ancients: Harmonious coven dedicated to the service of deities.
_Weathered Syndicate: Secretive group working to restore the God of Death to his rightful position of power
-Covenant of Storms: Acolytes following the God of Storms, generally benevolent
-Deities: Auditioning requires 30 posts to qualify but we're looking for active & diverse players