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Below is a collection of player requests spanning from character relationships to game requests. There is no limit to the number of requests you can have in one post, but please consider the limitations of the space provided. These ads are best served short and pointing towards your full requests on the mediumjcink/proboards/tumblr/discord/etc of your game. Please use the extra information box to include any relevant links or information that is most important to know about your request. You should not be using this directory to post your entire request word for word.

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The daughter of Althea Blake and Wesley Kaylock. After her father was killed, Ariadne was taken from her mother at the age of 2 when the Saints captured them. She was used against her mother to break her and in the early years of captivity, Thea had seen her daughter a few times but she has not seen her for decades. It is most likely that a witch/wife who was escaping took the young girl with her before her first full moon and she has been with the Unclean ever since. (Roughly 88 years ago.)
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by sksadmin10-17-2024, 12:32 PM
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Server Name: Breaking the Barrier

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Directory Category: Crossover

Activity Requirements: Light-activity check -- To qualify a character you have to do the following: Please make sure you either do 10 rapid fire replies per character (1-2 sentences) or a 2-3 paragraph (rougly 5 sentences per paragraph) reply for each character. This is required before the last day of each month is over (11:59 PM CST). Everything from the 1st and on will count towards this Activity Check. Rating: 3/3/3, 18+

Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Marvel, DC, and other comics. We allow panfandom. The rule is a 1:1 ratio of comic to non-comic characters.

Time where the RP is set: AU


The year is 2025, and Earth X (Marvel) has become the center for the Juction along with Earth Y (DC) -- a never-before-seen cosmic flux that pushes together multiverses by a large intersecting point where the barrier between the universes breaks and pushes them into one.

The Marvel and DC universes have become one, plunging the worlds into chaos as power struggles and shifts in the planets send everyone into a frenzy of worry and chaos. The top teams on both sides begin to correct the changes while others use the chaos to their advantage.

Earth X (The Marvel universe - It is our own storyline and canon here!)

Earth Y (The DC universe - It is our own storyline and canon here)

Earth-199999 - The MCU universe. This universe was destroyed during the Juction, but many of the universe were dropped in XY over the past two years via portals.

Earth-1 - The DCEU universe. This universe was destroyed during the Juction, but many of the universe were dropped in XY over the past two years via portals.

Earth-0 - Any person from an unknown universe (panfandom) refers to their orgins at Earth-0.

Looking for Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Vision, Thanos, Wolverine, Moon Knight, Namor, and many more!
Real Life | Marvel | DC | Comics | Crossover | Panfandom | by katatonix069001-16-2024, 07:30 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
For reason of easiness, I'm going to call them Henry and Ewan. You may name whatever you would like. For the most part, their histories after childhood - teenage years are up to you. I REQUIRE THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE HISTORIES. Races are up to you.
"Henry" and "Ewan" go way back. They were once childhood friends that become overly competitive with each other. Both Boys were born in North Shield, England close to the coast. "Henry's" family were fisherman and "Ewan's" family were a businessman. They attended the same early schools and started as friends but as they grew older their competitive spirit against each other grew from sports, to dates. and even career choices. "Ewan" was going to be a better businessman than his father and made the choice to developed technologies. Henry didn't pick business, he choose something more humble that would help more people. Henry became a search and rescue professional.

Eventually, both boys would move to New York to prove they could make it in a different world from their more humble beginnings. Henry would hear of Jupiter from werecat down south. There was no word that he had to look for her or whatever.

Once, Jupiter and Henry started to spend time together, Ewan took noticed. A beautiful little faeling, sweet and pure would do a lot for him. it would polish his image, her abilities gave him business ideas, and it would piss off Henry to end. Ewan was always different. Life was a chess game to him. Ewan waited for a break up, and swooped in like a knight in shining armor to rescue the faeling. A pattern would grow. Jupiter declared herself and belong to neither at one point, knowing she had a long enough life ahead of her, she didn't have to choose until she was damn ready and well aware enough that she and Henry were Rogue and Remy. Off and on like changing of the tides. Ewan proved to be more stable.

PLEASE TAKE INTO ACCOUNT Jupiter cannot have children. If you want children, each character should be old enough to have has children with other people. Plus baby mammas are grand for added drama.

NOT EXCLUSIVE Neither of them are currently exclusive with Jupiter. Probably at this point in time she's fucking both of them.
Fantasy | Supernatural - Mafia | by Daisy09-03-2023, 07:23 AM
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