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Below is a collection of player requests spanning from character relationships to game requests. There is no limit to the number of requests you can have in one post, but please consider the limitations of the space provided. These ads are best served short and pointing towards your full requests on the mediumjcink/proboards/tumblr/discord/etc of your game. Please use the extra information box to include any relevant links or information that is most important to know about your request. You should not be using this directory to post your entire request word for word.

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Just some of the characters we're looking for:

- Upper-Class & Noble OCs
- Gang Members & Professional Thieves
- Scotland Yard
- Brothel Workers (Male & Female)
- Royal Italian Opera Members

Open Canons & Wanteds (Plus lots more wanteds on our Discord!)
Real Life | Historical | Victorian | by TGG Admin02-21-2025, 04:02 PM
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Gods and Goddess are looking for first responders for our earthquake event! Come check it out!!
Real Life | Celebrity/Crime | by Daisy02-01-2025, 11:09 AM
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She's a 911 Dispatcher in sunny LA. Her baby Daddy is a Firefighter with the 114th. These to had a feral romance that was never meant to be. It was just lust and on June 27th 2017, Emma and Declan Ng, brought Liam into this world.

Declan in a devoted father, spending as much time with his son as possible. To make things easier on their child, Emma and Declan have decided to have a mature relationship with allowing each other to be happy. Any future partner will have to be accepting of the relationship between Declan and Emma. They have become extremely good friends and work partners.

If you are interested in Emma her last name and face are up for grabs. I want you to give her a story in this happy little family that will extend into a beautiful found family.
Real Life | Celebrity/Crime | by Daisy12-27-2024, 07:48 AM
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Meet Gray Locke. All of history leading up the Starless Crow and Riya are up too you. They first met when Riya was twenty years old and since then, she has worked at the Starless Crow as a bar tender.
Gray brought her deeper into his world.

Behind the doors of the Starless Crow is an information super highway. Collecting that information and selling it is a great pleasure since the Syndicates and Gangs are willing to pay top dollar for intelligence.

Riya became his right hand, his eyes and his ears.

Where are the now? That is up to us. I would like to move forward and become a power couple on the site. They start of as co - workers + friends and become lovers. There is a lot that can happen because of this. The criminal world would find the Crow King's love is greatest weakness ... at least they would miss read it.
Real Life | Slice of Life | Crime | by Daisy08-20-2024, 09:28 AM
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The Luna Family is a Hollywood and Business themed style family. Most members are either actors or owner of huge businesses.

The Luna Family is crafted by open marriage and one past marriage. We are currently looking for a set of twins and few half siblings.

Ages range from late twenties to mid forties.

A character's plot can range from the dark to light. Put please speak to the writers of the current family to ensure that all triggers are caught and ideas can be worked in.
Real Life | Slice of Life | Crime | by Daisy05-01-2024, 09:38 AM
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Server Name: Breaking the Barrier

Server Link:

Directory Category: Crossover

Activity Requirements: Light-activity check -- To qualify a character you have to do the following: Please make sure you either do 10 rapid fire replies per character (1-2 sentences) or a 2-3 paragraph (rougly 5 sentences per paragraph) reply for each character. This is required before the last day of each month is over (11:59 PM CST). Everything from the 1st and on will count towards this Activity Check. Rating: 3/3/3, 18+

Types of Characters/Creatures Allowed: Marvel, DC, and other comics. We allow panfandom. The rule is a 1:1 ratio of comic to non-comic characters.

Time where the RP is set: AU


The year is 2025, and Earth X (Marvel) has become the center for the Juction along with Earth Y (DC) -- a never-before-seen cosmic flux that pushes together multiverses by a large intersecting point where the barrier between the universes breaks and pushes them into one.

The Marvel and DC universes have become one, plunging the worlds into chaos as power struggles and shifts in the planets send everyone into a frenzy of worry and chaos. The top teams on both sides begin to correct the changes while others use the chaos to their advantage.

Earth X (The Marvel universe - It is our own storyline and canon here!)

Earth Y (The DC universe - It is our own storyline and canon here)

Earth-199999 - The MCU universe. This universe was destroyed during the Juction, but many of the universe were dropped in XY over the past two years via portals.

Earth-1 - The DCEU universe. This universe was destroyed during the Juction, but many of the universe were dropped in XY over the past two years via portals.

Earth-0 - Any person from an unknown universe (panfandom) refers to their orgins at Earth-0.

Looking for Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Vision, Thanos, Wolverine, Moon Knight, Namor, and many more!
Real Life | Marvel | DC | Comics | Crossover | Panfandom | by katatonix069001-16-2024, 07:30 AM
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Hi, I'm looking for some family and friends characters to plot with mine. There is a huge hit man plot surrounding these characters.

Logan Kane - Rege Jean Page - SWAT Captain and Hitman - Half Brother to Tripp Starr.

Kori Kane - Zendaya - Actress - Half Sister to Tripp Starr

Davis Thyme - Daniel Bruhl - Childhood Friend to Tripp Starr - Husband to Aspen Summers - Thyme - Adopted Son to John Brown

Grey Locke - Chris Evans - Co-Worker - Bestie - Roommate - Potential slow burn Romance to Tripp Starr
Real Life | Slice of Life, Light Horror | by Daisy05-29-2023, 11:59 AM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Ainsley has never been one to catch feelings for someone. It had never made sense. Her longest relationship predating this was no more than a few weeks.

Then steps in Luke. He was new to her brothers team. The siblings had their own silent rule: to never date someone on Aspens team. They were always off limits no matter what. But something about Luke was different, he made her feel different.

It started out innocently enough, just meeting up for drinks, hanging out without any other of the team mates or friends around. Then—uh oh—a girl caught feelings.

But with the golden rule, she’s not able to come out with it yet. It’s been a few months, and they’ve been keeping it on the down low. Going on dates with other people to keep suspicions low, but it’s starting to wear on her.

She’s wanting something more, but there is fear of the ramifications—fear that if something were to happen, that if they decided later on that this wasn’t something worth pursuing that she would be ruining her relationship with her brother, that Luke would be ruining his relationship with his team mates.
Real Life | slice of life | by ginger05-25-2023, 10:50 AM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
we're looking to encourage more female leads on our site and we want you to bring it on! we have so many free female faces that we've probably got your favourite open.

but here are some requested faces in our current wanted ads:
Nathalie Emmanuel
Penelope Cruz
Mpho Lebajoa
Sayo Yoshida
Emilia Clarke
Kicki Yang Zhang
Winnie Harlow
Laura Harrier
& more~
Real Life | London | by talon05-23-2023, 01:25 AM
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