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Game Directory

Below is a collection of rp games looking for new members. Please use the plot box to include any relevant links or plot information that is most important to know about your game. When using images in the plot section, please be mindful of the overall space available in the template for the best user experience.

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welcome to <i>london, england</i>. we're a laid back, lgbtq+ friendly and diverse real life site that doesn't believe in sweating the small stuff. with a welcoming staff and a kickass niche of members, you're sure to find your new favorite place with us. so kick back, put your feet up on the coffee table, and relax. you've finally made it home.
Real Life | London | by talon05-23-2023, 01:04 AM
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sugar is a three year old jcink premium real life site located in the concrete jungle of new york city. with no word count and shipper applications, we promote a laid back and diverse community where anyone and everyone can feel welcome. head on over and join us today. we can’t wait to see what amazing people you bring to the big apple.

Real Life | none | by sugar05-22-2023, 11:38 PM
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A relaxed Pokemon roleplay set in the Paldea region.
Fantasy | Pokemon | by atadtd05-22-2023, 11:37 PM
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Violence - V
Finding Your Way takes place on a fantastical colossal space station known as Waypoint, a place that connects to an infinite number of other worlds through mysterious portals called Waygates.

On Finding Your Way you can play as a citizen of Waypoint, a traveler to one of the many worlds to which it connects, a denizen of some weird and wonderful universe, or pretty much anything in-between!

We have the newly opened Noir 50 world. Set in an alternate 1950's earth. Come live your best mobster dream.
Science Fiction | Fantasy | Kink | Real Life | by Wolf05-22-2023, 11:28 PM
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❝ only human is a six year old real life jcink premium site set in the fictional hidden gem of brighton, new hampshire. the seaside town is home to a humble population, but does well to make up for it by the size of its character. with consistent festivals, site events, and a rich history, you’re in for a treat! join us today! ❞
Real Life | slice of life | by only human05-22-2023, 02:06 PM
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Welcome to Grace Harbor Maine. We are a real life, small fictional town that has been open since Feb 2023. We are a no app site but are super active. Right now we have our first event going on and voting for the Character of the Month. Come say hi if you can <3 . You can also join our discord
Real Life | small town | by the doctor05-22-2023, 12:24 PM
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Violence - V
It is the end of spring in the year 2553, a lifetime’s journey from Earth. Colonists on the recently-discovered planet of Harmony found large deposits of one of the galaxy's rarest elements on their home. News of this spread quickly, and on the heels of joy came a threat: the Sevar. Warriors from the neighbouring galaxy, they immediately declared their intent to attack Harmony, killing all who remained on their way to claim the planet's riches for themselves.

Desperate for help, the colonists sent out distress signals. With their newfound support from across the galaxy, the Sevar are daunted, and the Harmony Rebellion is preparing to offer a peace treaty, in the hopes that crisis may be averted. With an influx of new people, Harmony is busier than ever, and some say more dangerous. Even if the Sevar never invade, will the fledgeling colony still stand strong in the wake of so much chaos?
Science Fiction | original | futuristic | space | by Sticks05-20-2023, 10:16 AM
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Violence - V
Aces is a real life site that is set in the Florida Keys and Miami. We are a 21+, relaxed activity site with no word count. This site is not for the faint of heart. We explore criminal and mafia elements. We are not a site of perfect romances and childhoods. Cinnamon rolls beware, danger lurks in paradise.
Real Life | Mafia/Crime/ Slice of life | by Daisy05-20-2023, 07:39 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
3-3-3, 18+ | Character driven sandbox site | Free-form application and shippers | All inclusive.
History is said to move like a wheel, turning and repeating. On this particular rotation are those who would dust off the mantle of Death Eater and bring about the victory they were denied decades before. Supremacists and dark wizards the world over rally around the Dark Lord’s memory, following his examples in ruthlessness and depravity. In the face this unavoidable storm, some stand and fight, putting themselves between the new Death Eaters and those they would harm. Others do what they can to keep their heads down and live in peace. Through it all, the children of the magical world continue to attend school, some more aware than others of the mounting conflict.
Fantasy | next-gen | potter | by wandering05-19-2023, 10:24 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
This is an example of what an ad would look like. Bold text and the like. You can even use links as long as they are coded with bbcode.

Line breaks should register as they do on any other post.

Now I am trying to see if this can be long enough to show you the maximum space allowed in this container before it begins to scroll. Please keep the limited space available in mind when post your ads. Using large images in this area could make it difficult to navigate.

Remember that there is no way for users to contact each other through this directory, so include contact information where someone can reach you if they are interested in your ad!
Other | None | by Cherry05-18-2023, 08:50 PM
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